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  • Writer's pictureAddison Wimbish


4/28/20 10:42pm

After last week's post about my brother, I wanted to do a lighthearted post. Memories with Weston are bittersweet knowing that there won't be nearly as many once he moves, but all memories with today's person have been mostly sweet... sometimes a little bitter. But the bitter parts never last long and are my fault as much as theirs. Their initials in my phone spell arm so I decided to leave them as that. ARM and I have been friends for years. Like since second grade, so around eight years. Every moment with them brings me so much joy.



You, my sweet friend, are the person who keeps me going. You are the one that I look forward to seeing every single day, and the one that I can tolerate even if I'm annoyed with you. You have blessed me every day that we've been friends. You're honest, funny, sweet, sarcastic, beautiful, and strong. You have made me feel loved and seen when I seem to disappear in everyone else's vision.

You make me laugh so hard it hurts. You are unapologetically yourself when we're together and that is a beautiful thing. Once after you left my house, my mom said something that really struck me. She said, "ARM brings out the most raw, quirky version of you." I didn't realize it before, but when I'm with you. I am more myself because I'm not scared you're going to leave our friendship. You taught me what security felt like.

One time I got to your house before you were home, but I let myself in. When you came upstairs and saw me on your bed you didn't even do a double-take. You just told me you were going to shower and that there was an extra smoothie downstairs if I wanted it. We spend hours on FaceTime not even talking. Just on pause, usually watching TikToks or playing Minecraft. Constantly sending each other things that remind us of one another. You taught me that love should not be dependent on how funny, entertaining, or helpful I am.

When we watch movies together you never tell me to be quiet despite my constant useless commentary. You have never once made me feel small or criticized any of my mistakes. You've never complained about my constant need of approval. You've never told me to calm down when I'm upset. You've always held back your opinion until I was ready to hear it, and once you share it, you are gentle. You taught me that we both have flaws, but we both can learn from each other when we act out of love instead of momentary passion.

You have shown resilience in times that would have broken me. You constantly make me want to be better, be smarter, be stronger, be more loving. You help me move towards goals that scare me. You let me rant and feel my emotions, but then you speak truth into me. You tell me what God has said. You remind me that I am not my sin. I am not my struggles. I am not what the world thinks of me. You and I are chosen, we are wonderfully and fearfully made, we are set apart, and we are all of this because we are daughters of the King.

I am so incredibly proud of you. You work so hard to be a better version of your past self. You are proactive. The second you feel a battle beginning, you tell me. And I pray that you continue to set your eyes on God. This will allow you to begin to see yourself how He sees you. He sees you as a beautiful, strong, forgiven, freed, loved, and important part of his creation. You are loved by many, but most importantly, by the Creator. I pray that this next year of your life is blessed tremendously.



Addison Wimbish


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