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  • Writer's pictureAddison Wimbish


4/14/20 11:06 PM

I'm sorry I didn't post this on Tuesday, but I wrote it late Tuesday night and I wanted to proofread it when I was less tired. Every part of this series will be read by the person I'm writing about before posted, and I'm on good terms with everyone I'm writing about. This said, here's some background on CJA. We have grown up in the same church and have pretty much always known of each other. They're someone I have learned too much to even write about from and respect endlessly.



It's been awhile since we've talked, but the lessons you taught me continue to affect me every day. You also continue to answer my questions without complaining which is amazing because I seem to struggle to understand basic instructions. I hope your family is well. Still close and trusting of one another. I've always admired how well everyone in your family knows each other.

You've taught me a lot of things. Things in spanish, science, and math. But the only things I actually remember are what you've taught me about God and relationships. I didn't realize how blessed I am to have such amazing, Christian friends in my life, until I understood that some people don't. You are so passionate about finding people that you can pursue God with. Thank you for helping me realize how blessed I am.

The thing about community is that you don't realize how necessary it is until you don't have it. I think that's why quarantine has been so hard for me and a lot of others. I genuinely just miss people. Thankfully, I still talk to my group everyday, and we are still able to share prayers, confessions, and praises. It's not the same though. I can't imagine how difficult it must be not having people besides your family to hold you accountable.

CJA you are incredibly strong, but you don't have to be strong all the time. You are smart, but it's okay to not know every answer. You are driven, but it's okay to take breaks and just play Ninja Painter sometimes. You pursue your strengths, and since we became friends I've realized how crucial that is to life.

For some reason I used to only pursue things I wasn't good at. I would challenge myself so that I could become the best, most well-rounded person I could be. But this was exhausting and didn't work because I am still really awful a poetry and most sports. You know where you thrive and you pursue that. Seeing you teach the elementary kids brings me so much joy because God has given you a passion for that.

You encouraged me when I was struggling, and I don't think I've ever thanked you for that. You helped me through some of the worst moments that I've faced. You met me with prayer and advice that pointed me to God even when I didn't really want it. You taught me how to accept compliments for my achievements, where my strengths are, and how important Christian community is. You also taught me how to say 'sometimes' in spanish, but I don't remember.

Thank you for all of this. I pray that God continues to bless you with passion for Him. That you are given friends running at the same pace as you, and continued patience in His timing. You were my iron for a long time, and I am so thankful for that because now I'm able to be someone else's iron. As iron sharpens iron, man sharpens man. Proverbs 27:17



Addison Wimbish


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