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  • Writer's pictureAddison Wimbish



Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have spoken to you.” Genesis 28:15


Hey there!

I'm sure many of you guys have heard the phrase WWJD. If you're like me, you probably even had a pin or a WWJD bracelet. This weeks verse is to bring awareness to what would Jesus do, but to what is Jesus doing.

I think there's this belief that God doesn't change anything anymore. In reality, he is active in our lives in every moment. "He is not some ancient force that only moved in the Bible," to quote a friend of mine. He created us and sent his son to be with us on Earth. He didn't stop being present in our lives after Jesus left though. He sent the Holy Spirit to be with those who accept Him.

When you devote your life to God the impact should be noticeable. A powerful God with a big love for you should have a big impact on how you live your life. God works through many things and in many ways. Friends, family, trials, and blessings. At the moment it may not seem like he's at work, but he always is.

God either puts people into your life for two reasons. So that you can bless them, or they can bless you. Good friends will challenge you to grow in your relationship with the Lord. He chooses who he puts in your life! It's not an accident. Likewise, God chooses your family. I have been blessed with an amazing family that is constantly showing me God, but some people aren't as lucky.

God uses everyone. Not just people with good home lives. He is doing amazing things in everyone's lives through their families. He's making you stronger, showing you what you should strive to be, or what you don't want to be.

In James, James writes about being joyful when you meet trials of various kinds. God doesn't make mistakes. There's a reason you go through every season that you encounter. He is producing steadfastness in you, that you may be perfect, and complete, lacking in nothing (James 1: 2-4).

The hardest, at least for me, to discover God moving in is through blessings. It's easy to turn to him when you have no other choice. When I hit the lowest I have ever been, I quite literally had no other choice but to depend on God. On the contrary, when I'm surrounded by blessings, I tend to forget who gave them to me.

For example, I wasn't the one that created the opportunity to start Broken Vessels, I'm not the one who supplies the words I write. They're both blessings from God, and He can take away blessing just as quickly as He gave them.

It's easy to look into the Bible and find many occurrences when God worked in someone's lives. It's easy to look back on Jesus's time on Earth and decided that since he's perfect and I want to be like Him I'll just do exactly what he did. Yes, it is good to be like Jesus and attempt to maintain all of his characteristics, but it's not always that simple.

Rather, use what you've seen in your life and other people's lives to unlock what Jesus is doing right here and now. If you're in a situation where you need to know how to respond in a way that is honoring to God, instead of thinking WWJD try to think WIJD. Realize that he's moving in your life right now. Teaching you something in some way, blessing you, testing you, and waiting for you to choose him. He moves and changes your life every single day. You just have to choose to become aware of it.

This week I challenge you to slow down. Take a minute to think WIJD. What is he telling me? What is he teaching me? What is he showing me through this? Once you become aware of God moving and changing your life, you can finally praise him for the present rather than the past. Thanking him for everything he's done today, as well as yesterday, and including everything that he will do in the future


Addison Wimbish


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