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  • Writer's pictureAddison Wimbish

Always a reason


Ecclesiastes 3:1

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven


Proverbs 16:33

The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the lord.


“There's always a reason” or at least that’s what i’ve been told when everything that could possibly go wrong, goes wrong, but what if they said that there was a reason for all the good things that happened in our lives instead of just the bad? Well one common misconception is that people tend to think that there’s a reason for everything in this world and maybe your reasoning is that through God but if we think about it, even if we don’t understand God’s reasons for why some things happen, the reason alone is that it was his will. Some of the most beautiful things in my life I believe have come from God, even when they don’t seem to make sense in my mind or that of others at the time there is an ultimatum and that ultimate reason is the Lord. A prime example of this would be what you have set for yourself and what god has planned for you. You have a perfect life planned and panned out to how you want it in your mind, but sometimes your plan is not necessarily the same as God's plan, you could have different plans for your life such as changing where you to go school, someone who you’d never thought would come into your life who comes in and changes it for the better, or even a change in line of work. God's work can be done with little to no understanding for us, making our lives all the more beautiful and mysterious. The beauty in this is the trust that one must have in God and to trust his judgement even without reason. To have faith in the Lord means you have a reason in the end, that reason being of which one must have faith in Him because of his sacrifice and resurrection, that alone is one of the many underlying amazing qualities about faith within his kingdom is that he had sacrificed himself for our being. Some people in our lives tend to come and go and that’s okay, but then it leaves you to question and search for the answer for why they came in the first place or for why they left in the end. While finding an answer to your “why” could sometimes leave you in frustration and questioning, just remember that every so often you really don’t need an exact answer and that God wouldn't put you through anything you couldn't handle without Him or without a reason. If there's one thing that I know for sure is that even when God doesn’t provide a reason, known to us, or for why things are the way they are or even why they happen, in the end He will always be my reason and I pray that he becomes yours. Make him your reason.

Yours truly,

Sydney Stout


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