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  • Writer's pictureAddison Wimbish

appreciate them

8/14/20 10:08 am

Welcome back to our series covering what it means to be a Godly friend. I’m talking about the importance of appreciating your friends today!


I think one of the biggest struggles I have when it comes to friendships has been learning how to simply appreciate my friends. I used to fall into the trap of resentment and keeping score with my friends, putting a huge strain and burden on them. This obviously was not healthy for me or my friends. Rather than expecting them to know exactly what to say or do in every situation, we should all recognize that we are broken sinners.

Relationships between two sinners are bound to be messy. Even relationships in the Bible were messy. My best friend and I are so bad at appreciating one another. It’s something that is unspoken for both of us. We both love and care for each other but when it comes to actually express that, it hardly ever happens.

If you ‘keep score’ throughout your friendship, or if you put unrealistic expectations on them, your relationship will be so strained and cause so many issues. I’m sure you’ve heard that the people you surround yourself with will shape the person you become. This is incredibly accurate. If you surround yourself with people who display the fruits of the spirit and are intentional in ensuring you know you’re appreciated, you will become more like them.

On the other hand, Proverbs 22: 24 says, “Do not make friends with a hot-tempered person, do not associate with one easily angered, or you may learn the ways yourself, and get yourself ensnared.” If you surround yourself with people who don’t hold the same core beliefs as you, they’re most likely going to lead you down a dark path.

The reason we’re talking about being a Godly friend is because, as believers, we are supposed to be examples of what a good friend is. If we are friends that others choose to surround themselves with, they will be learning from us. We are called to exemplify the fruits of the spirit so that we are a representation of Christ.


Appreciating your friends comes in many different forms. It’s vital to your friendship that y’all are accepting that you’re both sinners and loving each other for where you’re at in life. I pray that you continue to be, or become, the friend that doesn’t try to change other people. People should be drawn to you because you are reflecting Christ instead of the world.


Addison Wimbish

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