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  • Writer's pictureAddison Wimbish

Brotherly Affection

Updated: Mar 26, 2020

Hey guys!

My Experience

My birthday was on Tuesday, and with that came my favorite thing ever. Notes. I have a wall in my room dedicated to hanging all the notes I've received over the past years.



Throughout the Bible, we can see many amazing, God-centered friendships. David and Jonathan, Moses and Aaron, Elijah and Elisha, Naomi and Ruth, and Paul and Timothy are all good examples. If you look at all of these friendships they all have a common thread. Love. They all have such an affectionate, brotherly love for one another.

We live in a broken world, and because of this, it's hard to make connections with your friends like that. Luckily for us, we have a graceful God who wants to bless us with friends. He places people usually for two reasons. One, to learn from and grow in your faith with. And two, to show you the opposite of what you want to be.



I've been so blessed by God in so many ways. One that sticks out to me is the people God's put in my life. I have a stack of handwritten letters that I'm ready to hang on my wall. All from friends who have endlessly encouraged me loved me and taught me more about God.

I've known many people and I've learned from all of them. It's very evident who God wants in your life if you are focused on glorifying him in all of your relationships. I pray that if you haven't found those friends yet, you don't lose hope. Continue growing and eventually, someone will be there to come alongside you.


Addison Wimbish


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