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  • Writer's pictureSophie B.

challenge them

“Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm” Proverbs 13:20

Hey guys,

It’s so great to write to you again! Make sure you check out our podcast because this week we have two special guests with us to elaborate on what I am writing about. This series has already helped me so much and I pray that it is helping you. So, let’s jump right into this week, challenging your friends.

The topic for this week is so crucial when we talk about fellowship with other believers. We are called to care for and love them, and those are great things that we need to be doing, but we also need to challenge them to grow. As friends, we should push each other in our faith. What I mean by this is that we should be challenging our friends to read the Bible daily, to ask them what they have learned about God recently, and want them to gain new knowledge. When I think about who does this in my life, I immediately think about the guests that we are having on the show this week. Megan and Abby have a longing to know more about God and to glorify God with their minds. When I am around them, I want to strive to know more about God because they encourage me to. Whether it is sharing a quote that they read and liked or by telling me about a new book they are reading, I am encouraged by these friends. What kind of friend would we be if we saw our friend stuck in a season of their faith where they were not growing or spending time with God and we did not do anything to help. Megan and Abby come to talk to me excited about the new knowledge they learned and ready to share with me. I don’t know about you, but whenever I learn something new about God, I can’t wait to share it with the people around me so they can be encouraged and excited as well. Proverbs 13:20 couldn’t say it better “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm” Proverbs 13:20. Our friends should encourage us to learn new knowledge, not encourage us to be foolish and do things that would not make us grow in our faith or help us in our walk with God. We are made to push others to know more about Christ, and they need to push us back so we can grow. One of the biggest blessings you can have is people who push you to grow closer to Christ. It is a way to love others well.

My heart,


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