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  • Writer's pictureAddison Wimbish

Setting and Keeping Spiritual Goals

Hey there,

We are six days into 2019 and I have already failed my New Year Resolution to eat healthily. In all honesty, I didn't expect to follow through with this one. However one of my resolutions I am determined to keep. This year I want to grow closer to God and fully depend on Him.

Following through with spiritual goals is proven to be more difficult than your average goal, such as drinking more water. When Satan sees that you are trying to strengthen your relationship with the Lord he will fight. He will use every tactic he knows to stop you. Chances are you've been hurt and made mistakes before. Satan learned from that and he's going to use what hurt you once to attack you again. There's nothing that can stop Satan except for God and depending on him. However, self-discipline and community can aid you in winning the battle.

If you have a goal, in general you will need self-discipline in order to achieve it. Although this means different things based on your goal, many spiritual goals have similar forms of self-discipline. Whether you want to grow in your relationship with the Lord or simply attend church more often, it doesn't matter how big or small your goal is. No matter what there will be times when Satan is discouraging and distracting you. It happens to everyone, and everyone perseveres differently. When you discipline yourself to push back against Satan you are winning the battle. Setting your alarm so you get up for church, turning your phone off during quiet time so you're not distracted, and forcing yourself to push past anxieties and doubt about God having your back. As small or as big as they are, acts of self-discipline are necessary in order to maintain and achieve your goal.

A community is also vital in reaching your goals. Satan loves isolation. He loves making you feel unwanted, alone, or useless. None of these things are true, and having fellowship and Godly friends will remind you of this. When you're struggling your friends are there to help you. They will push you to attend church, push you to pray at the end of small groups, and support your in you walk with the Lord. Jesus himself had a community that supported him, however, it is different considering he is perfect. Trusting others to help you accomplish your goals will help you reach them. Studies show it's easier to let yourself slip when no one knows you're slipping. Surround yourself with people who have similar goals and count on one another to reach them.


"In their hearts, humans plan their goals, but the Lord establishes their steps" Proverbs 16:9



Addison Wimbish


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