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  • Writer's pictureAddison Wimbish

I believe


"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see" Hebrews 11:1


Hey guys!

Believing can be hard. I can usually tell someone a biblical answer to an issue that they're having. I can also do that to my issues and I usually know the root of the problem. What's hard for me is applying. I know how to fix something but I don't know how to apply it, or I don't want to apply it. I know that I can find peace in God, but do I believe that? If so why haven't I turned to him?

Sometimes we believe truths, as God will calm your anxiety, but when we apply it the result is different than expected. When you turn to God because you're anxious about an audition, but you still end up feeling your stomach drop when it's your turn. Or when you ask God to take away your anger, but you still wake up the next morning upset. There are times that God chooses not to answer your prayer in the way that you want.

If you allow this result to cause disbelief in God's word or capabilities, then you'll never fully witness his power. You have to be confident that the God who created everything with his words will follow through with his promises. You have to believe to receive, as my parents would say. God wants to bless you and he will. You must have faith in what he can do.

We need to learn to trust God and his word. To apply what we know should work. There's a difference between believing and knowing. I pray that you know and believe in God. I pray that you learn to trust him and apply what you know. Continue to apply what you know despite the response because everything will happen in His timing and according to His will.


Addison Wimbish


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