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  • Writer's pictureSophie B.


Hey guys,

HAPPY NEW YEAR! It’s 2021! I hope that you all had an amazing holiday season! To kick off the new year, Addison and I thought it would be good to start the year by talking about finding your identity in Christ. I will also be sharing my word of the year with you guys, I am so excited for this year. This is such a coffee mug quote but it is appropriate for the new year. “365 new days, 365 new chances.” I pray everyone’s new year is off to a great start! As the start of a new year, you should make it a resolution to go follow our Instagram page @afaithpodcast. Make sure to check out this week’s podcast with two special guests! Now that I have gone on a mini soapbox, let’s hop into things!

So you guys know I love starting with a definition:) Google tells us that identity is, “the fact of being who or what a person or thing is.” I feel that everyone my age is searching for what they want their identity to be. We feel that having an identity in something is crucial to feeling like we belong somewhere. For example, it is easy to find your identity in things you like, sports, music, boys, etc. For me, it is a struggle not to find my identity in being a podcaster. Finding your identity in Christ brings freedom and joy not from earth, but from Jesus. We are all searching for fulfillment, only Jesus can fulfill us. Having an identity in Jesus means you are not shaken by things of the earth because you know who your heart belongs to. Giving Jesus everything is hard, trust me I know. Finding your identity in the Lord is very counter-culture as well. I think of the movie High School Musical and the song “Stick to the Status Quo.” The high school students did not want their peers to try something new, they wanted them to keep their identity in what they already knew and loved. The truth is, nothing in this world that we put our identity in will ever fulfill us. It may bring momentary joy, but even that is fading. For example, if your identity is not in the Lord and you put your identity in a relationship, that person will always fail you because they are a sinner. If you put your identity in our faithful, unchanging God, you will never be alone and you will find contentment and joy. I pray that you surrender all to God and find your identity in the one true King.

I promised you guys that I would share my word for 2021. I chose the word present. I want to be present where I am, not trying to rush to the next thing. I have also decided to focus on the word surrender as well. (Yes I have two words, oh well!) I want to focus on growing my relationships and stop scrolling on social media. I also want to focus on surrendering everything to God, and this goes along with identity. I find my identity in God and surrender everything to Him because I belong in His arms. Make sure you know where your identity is as you go into the new year and I pray every day you choose to surrender to God, the only one who can bring us full joy.

My heart,



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