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  • Writer's pictureAddison Wimbish

Let's start over


"Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be" Job 8:7


Hey there!

School is coming to an end. You would think that means everything is slowing down, but a lot of my classes seem to be picking up. Band has begun working on our marching season music, biology started a whole new unit, geometry and english both introduced massive projects and in spanish we're practicing for our speaking exam. All of these things plus finals in two weeks. But school is still ending. Once my exams are over I'm out for the summer.

I no longer have to wake up at 7:00 and stay in the same building until 4:15, sometimes later. In two weeks it will be my last time doing my daily routine. The last time I high five my friend, as I pass him, the last time I return to the band hall to practice during lunch, the last time I complain about having to go to HuGAP, the last time I tell all of my teachers, "Have a good day" while leaving their class. It's the end of my freshman year.

Don't get me wrong, I'm excited and ready for summer. That also comes with anxiety and fear of what next year holds. I'll be a sophomore, I'll receive my driver's license, I'll likely make new friends. A lot of change is coming my way and in order to handle it without being overwhelmed, I must depend on God.

Throughout our lives, we will have seasons where it feels like everything is coming to a close. What we often lose sight of is the new beginnings this allows for us. For me, it's starting a new school year, meeting new people, being able to drive myself places, and creating a new daily routine. This sounds scary to me, but it also sounds exciting.

I know that God has a plan for me and that His plan is good and perfect. He wouldn't shut a door if he wasn't going to open another one leading to somewhere better. God is gracious and thoughtful. He took the time to design you and your life so that you may be a vessel for him and his glory. No matter what background you come from, God will make your ways prosperous.

You could come from a broken family, a less-fortunate family, or maybe you don't know your family. It doesn't matter. God will still use you. It may be the end of a chapter, but God's story isn't over yet. He will allow you to start over. It doesn't matter what you came from, good or bad, happy or sad. He's going to shut doors and open new ones so that you can move on.

Starting over can be scary. You don't have to start from scratch though. You have your base of close friends and family that won't leave you. And most importantly, you have God. I pray that every time you see an ending you're on the lookout for a new beginning. God will provide no matter what state you're in when he finds you.


Addison Wimbish


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