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  • Writer's pictureSophie B.

living in wholehearted surrender

Hey guys!

I hope everyone is having a great week! Before we talk today, it’s time for announcements. Please make sure you are following our Instagram, @afaithpodcast because that is where we post all updates. You also need to go enter our giveaway on our Instagram page, I secretly want the gift for myself ;). Also, make sure you head on over to the podcast tab on the blog or you can go to most major podcast platforms to check out a more in-depth version of my blog post. Now that we have those out of the way, let’s hop into the deep end this week and talk about our mission statement.

I want to start at the beginning of our podcast journey when we decided to pick our name and mission statement. When Addy called me to ask if I wanted to start a podcast, the next thing we talked about was our name. I had come up with a few ideas and I was talking them through with Addy. I thought that Our Hearts Surrendered was the best one because I never wanted to forget that we must surrender to God and lay everything at His feet. I wanted to have this as a reminder for Addy and me to not forget that God should be at the center of our podcast and blog because if that is not at the center, then we are not doing this to glorify God and that is an issue. What exactly is surrender you may ask. Let’s dive into that next.

Surrender: to submit or yield. I believe that you surrender to something, whether you realize it or not. I think this because of Matthew 6:24, “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” You are giving your time, devotion, and love to something. If it is not God, then it is an idol. Our mission statement is, “let’s strive to live in whole-hearted surrender this week.” Our goal behind that statement is to have a reminder at the end of our podcast each time for listeners to not miss something very important, surrendering everything to God and glorifying Him. I pray that listeners walk away remembering this over what I said because this statement is a reminder to tear down idols in your life. Addy and I both say this podcast has taught us A LOT. This statement is something that has become something I want to live by. I want to be in surrender to God because I know that when I do, that is where freedom and joy are found. When I surrender to God, I feel a peace that only comes from Him. Addy and I are passionate about surrender because it has changed our lives. I pray that you chose to surrender to God today and every day. Surrendering to God is a daily, sometimes hourly choice to choose God’s will and path over sin and what we think is best. Surrendering to God has changed my life and I pray that you make the daily decision to surrender everything to our good, holy God.

My heart,



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