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  • Writer's pictureAddison Wimbish

Looking Forward

y'all i'm so emo writing this

jk i'm good


Okay but fr I'm sitting in my future college town about to register for classes, trying to kill time by writing these posts #responsible and I look at the topic and it's about moving to college. How sad. But also, HOW HAPPY!!!!

I think one of the hardest things about being a high school senior that's about to graduate and move to college is the intense dichotomy of feelings. I am so unbelievably sad about leaving, but I am also so incredibly excited, and both of those co-existing can be so hard and so exhausting. This season is truly the definition of bittersweet.

It's been so fun to look forward to meeting new people and learning a new town, it's also scary to think about meeting all new people and being in a new town. I think looking forward to this new season for so many people can be all one emotion or the other and in all reality it's very much both.

I'm anticipating the Lord doing big things in and through me over the next four years in college and having to leave my home where I am deeply rooted makes it hard, but honestly what a gift that it's so hard to leave. I have such a great life in my home that it's hard to leave, there are many people that aren't able to say the same thing and I'm truly so thankful.

I think my biggest prayer is that I remain steadfast and am quick to love even in stress and frustration and sadness.


Addison Wimbish


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