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  • Writer's pictureAddison Wimbish

Lord give me patience


"Be always humble, gentle, and patient. Show your love by being tolerant of one another" Ephesians 4:2


Hey there!

The calling to write about patience came in a very convicting way. I got home from school, in a terrible mood really, all I wanted to do was lay in my bed. This was exactly what I was doing when my little brother whips out his trumpet and starts blasting out notes. Being the amazing big sister I am, I rolled my eyes and put my earbuds in, learning from experience that yelling doesn't make him stop. As I was trying to decide the order of songs I wanted to hear my phone died. Immediately, I wanted to cry. Instead, something else happened. I had the thought that God was really teaching me a lesson about patience today.

So there you have it, the explanation that really wasn't all that necessary. Here's what you came for. Being the most impatient person in the world, I find myself constantly begging God, pleading with him to give me the patience to make it through the day, to calmly respond to my friend who's said, "what?!" at least 6 times, or not kill my dog for tracking mud onto my white shoes.

If Jesus was as impatient as I am the human race would be nonexistent. So thankfully He's not. Jesus demonstrated his patience perfectly when he was on Earth. He knew the disciples would fail him, but he didn't punish them. He knew that the Roman soldiers would mock him, yet He did not protest. The levelheadedness that Jesus maintained strikes me as something that shouldn't be possible.

Maybe it's not possible for sin corrupted people, but either way, we should strive to reach that level. When we are patient we are rewarded. The importance of patience is repeated throughout the Bible. It's one of the fruits of the spirit. It's spoken of in Ephesians, Proverbs, Romans, Psalm, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, 1 Corinthians, 2 Peter, Colossians, and James to name a few books.

When something is repeatedly said that means it's important. It's a warning. When you are driving down a road, and there's a big curve coming up. There are signs with arrows warning you. The bigger the curve the more signs. The more times something is repeated in the Bible, the more applicable and important it will be.

Having patience shows who your Father is. God is slow to anger, we should be too. Next time someone asks you the same question repeatedly, answer with grace and calmness. Next time someone cuts you off in traffic, take your hand off your horn and remember that you don't know their circumstance. Next time your little brother says something extremely unintelligent, remember you probably said something similar when you were their age.

I pray that through the rest of this week you challenge yourself to respond in grace. Not rushing to reprehend or embarrass, but to kindly and gently correct. Have patience with yourself, others, and God. Wait for His response so that you may act wisely, rather than spontaneously.


Addison Wimbish


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