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  • Writer's pictureAddison Wimbish

Monkey to man

Hey there!

I posted an 'experience' on Saturday. It's titled 'tired' and touched on what to do when you're completely exhausted. Next week I'm going to share my opinion about chance and it's believed connection to the existence of the human race, but this week I'm sharing about the belief that humans evolved from a type of monkey.

In biology, we learned about evolution and comparing DNA. We learned that the more similar two species DNA is, the more closely related they are. Interestingly, humans share 96% of their DNA sequence with chimpanzees. For me, this means absolutely nothing. I don't understand why that would convince anyone we evolved from them.

This said I've also been raised believing in the creation. That belief is not changing no matter what since I've learned about it for almost 16 years now. Some questions that emerged while doing my research on this topic were the following. Why did only some chimpanzees evolve into humans? If we evolved from them shouldn't they be extinct? Where did our instinctive primate behaviors go, such as picking fleas out of each other's hair?

I must preface this with one exception. I do believe natural selection occurs. Although this doesn't change my stance on the monkey to man part of evolution. I've resolved that some people who haven't heard about the gospel and are taught in school about evolution, may adopt the theory as their belief because it's all that they know. Hopefully, we can put an end to that.

I don't see any possible way for monkeys to turn into complex humans. How did they develop the ability to think? How did some of the humans "magically imagine" the existence of a savior? We also have many similarities to lemurs, cats, and cows so why can't I have evolved from them?

There are many flaws and questions that come from the evolution theory. There are also questions about the creation. This doesn't mean that you should shy away from sharing the gospel. If you meet someone who believes that humans evolved from chimps, please get on all fours and start screeching like a monkey. All joking aside, I pray that you are able to defend your belief and help them realize that monkeys may biologically be similar, but they're also extremely different.



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