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  • Writer's pictureAddison Wimbish


11/25/20 11:20am

So to put this post in perspective I want all of y’all to know that I am a very impatient person. I get very frustrated very quickly. This is going to be a super short post mainly because I know personally, I don’t have enough patience to read a four-minute post.

Being patient is something we are very obviously called as Chistians to do. It’s one of the fruits of the spirit and is talked about in other parts of the Bible as well. It’s something that is extremely difficult to be because of our sinful nature. It’s so easy for me to hear someone ask a million questions and just get frustrated because they seem like common-sense answers. Or to be waiting for someone to respond and crave the instant gratification of them just answering right away so I don’t have to wait.

Living in a world that is so consumed with instant gratification makes this even harder. In America specifically, everything is on a schedule. You leave conversations so that you aren’t late to be somewhere. You pay extra for Apple CarPlay so that Siri can read your texts for you while you’re driving. It’s all very much immediate. So the few times we have to practice patience, we don’t know what to do.

I want to encourage you to recognize when you’re being impatient and getting frustrated. Call upon the Lord and ask Him to give you the patience and contentment to understand that whatever you’re waiting on isn’t better than what He can give you. I know it’s hard, especially with family during the Christmas season in high tense situations, but strive to surrender what you’re waiting on to the Lord and trust His timing and process.


Addison Wimbish


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