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  • Writer's pictureAddison Wimbish

The Idea Of It

Updated: Nov 23, 2019

Hey guys!

During the summer, I was so ready for school. I was excited to get back into a schedule, and I missed my friends. These are some pretty average things. But I also missed learning. I missed waking up with something to do, walking in the hallways, and long, busy days. At least I thought I missed these things. In reality, I only missed the idea of them.

I missed the idea behind high school being fun, marching season being hype, and being successful grade-wise. I didn't remember that not all parts of the school are fun, marching season is exhausting, and I have to study to make good grades. I was in the "honeymoon" phase. I only remembered the good parts and not the work or stress that led to them.

I think as a culture we tend to romanticize everything. For example, social media is romanticized very often. We only focus on how it can connect people and spread the news. We ignore the bullying, seclusion, and comparison that it often causes. We love the idea of social media.

When I say "the idea of it" I'm referring to what something could be in an ideal world. Like to me, I like the idea of eating healthy, but I don't always enjoy it. I sometimes find myself liking the idea of being devoted to God. I like the idea of taking notes, Bible journaling, writing posts, leading Bible studies, and doing devotionals every morning. Where I mess up, is by thinking that this idea of being devoted isn't worth anything.

If we only like the idea of devoting our lives to God, we will quickly find ourselves lost without direction. It's hard sometimes. Sometimes I think I'm too tired to take notes or write a new post. There are days when my alarm goes off and I press snooze and claim that I'll read my Bible later. I've gone through times where I felt like no matter how hard I pursued God nothing would change.

But I did it anyway. I did it cause I like the idea of it. I did it because the idea of being closer to God was so appealing that I didn't care how much effort it took. I just wanted to be there. What I didn't realize, is that there is no limit to how well you can know God. I accepted Christ when I was eight. That was eight years ago, and I still don't feel like I am close enough to God.

I still love the idea of being close to God, but instead of loving just the idea I love the effects and the reality of it. The more you know about God the more you'll love him. Before I started Broken Vessels I dreamed of having a blog. I loved the idea of it. I didn't realize that it would be hard, but I also didn't realize that I was going to learn and grow from creating one.

If you love the idea of devoting your life to God, then you should do it. Nothing bad is going to come from you pursuing a good God. He is not like the other things this world romanticizes. God is everything that churches claim he is. You will be completely satisfied by Him and in Him. In this broken world, He is the only one that will always exceed your idea of perfect. I pray that you devote yourself to him. Start small and work your way up.


Addison Wimbish


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