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  • Writer's pictureAddison Wimbish


Hey there,

There are times when we, as human, are tired. We can find ourselves mentally, spiritually, and physically drained. Sometimes it's just a bad day, but other times it can feel as if the entire world is working against you. Like Satan waited until one moment to drop everything on you.

In Greek mythology, after the Titans were defeated Atlas had to hold the entire world on his shoulders. Although this is just a myth, it's applicable to our lives. For example, when I try to balance my faith, my friends, my family, my schoolwork, and my mental health I start out really strong. This lasts for maybe three days. As time goes on, I feel my tension, stress, and anxiety levels rising. The components of my life that I described are my "world", and I'm trying to hold it on my shoulders. But I'm getting increasingly tired and weak as the days pass.

If you continue reading in Greek mythology you find where Hercules and Athena, bear the burden of the world for Atlas. This didn't last for long, but while it did Atlas was freed from his captivity. Hercules and Athena are similar to God in our analogy. We're tired. Exhausted even. It seems as if it's impossible to keep going. Our teachers and parents are constantly reminding us that there's only one more month until summer, but that offers no escape from our current state.

You may find yourself frustrated with others. Frustrated because someone didn't uphold their responsibility when you were dependent on it. Frustrated that teachers waited until the last four weeks to cram in tests, exams, and projects. Frustrated with yourself because no matter how hard you try, you never seem to be enough. You may be tired. Tired of trying. Tired of being disappointed. Tired of constantly being rejected. Tired of seemingly letting down your friends and family.

But there's hope. God is here to bear your burden. He's here to take your world off of your shoulders and to give you a break. He wants to help you. He's just waiting on the sideline until you ask him to. He's yelling encouragement that you are enough, you are loved, you are strong. All of these things through him. He will joyfully and willingly take your burden.

Let your shoulders rest. Let yourself feel loved and worthy in God's presence. He wanted to help you, He always does. He knows we're tired, but he designed us so that we could have a relationship with him. That relationship includes asking him for help. Much like with Hercules and Athena, God will give you back the weight if you don't maintain your relationship with Him.

This is because when you drift from God you begin to allow room for Satan to creep in and remind you of how tired you are. It's like when you do squats. If you do 50 reps and you take a break, you're going to feel better. But chances are, after you begin your second set, your legs will get tired sooner than before. If you, "take a break", from God, you're going to end up in even more desperate than before.

I know what it's like to be tired. Tired of who you are, tired of where you are, tired of what you're doing, tired of feeling inadequate, tired of feeling unloved, tired of craving attention, tired of feeling broken, like something's missing. God can revive you and give you energy. He'll take your pain and exhaustion and turn it into joyfulness that can only come from him. You'll be a changed person.

I pray that you hand your world over to God. Let yourself take refuge in Him. I know that you're tired, but I also know that you can be strong through God. I pray that you seek God so that you may be energized and passionate throughout the amazing life that He has given you. You will find yourself drifting off again, but you'll know what to do. You'll know what a relief it is just to have someone share your burden. You don't have to do this by yourself when you have God by your side waiting to bear your world.


Addison Wimbish


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