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  • Writer's pictureAddison Wimbish

the few certainties

5/12/20 11:32 AM


A lot of things have been added to my list of things I'm not sure about. As I've grown up this list has been shortening and almost came to a complete stop. Here was my list around January of this year:

Uncertainties January 2020:

- Will 2020 be a good year for my family?

- Will I be accepted into CNA next year?

- Will I be able to get a job?

- Will my hard work pay off?

- Will DNOW and There{4} be life-changing for my friends?

I got answers to almost all of these. That's incredible, and most of them were the answers I was hoping for. Now my list has grown quite a bit, but things that have never even crossed my mind have been added.

"Certainties" January 2020:

- Crying at Weston's graduation.

- Finishing my sophomore year with some of my best friends.

- Spending 5 days on the beach with all of my band friends for the last time.

- Spending hours studying for finals.

- Going to Church every Sunday to see my girls.

Looking back, all the things expected to happen, aren't happening. If I'm honest, I have it really easy. I'm missing out on things, but not major milestones like seniors or juniors. But now with school coming to an end I have more doubts than ever.

Uncertainties May 2020:

- Will we go back to school in the fall?

- Will Pinecove get cancelled like church camp?

- Are we going to have to stay home all Summer?

- Will I be chosen as Drum Major?

- Will marching season even happen?

- Will life ever go back to how it was before?

Through all of this. The only thing that has remained solid in my mind and will continue to stand strong. Is my faith. Because through all of this God has not changed. Yes, for some people it's been harder to believe that there is a good God. For others, they're looking for hope, and in order to find that they will grasp on to any possibility of a merciful savior existing.

I hope and pray that there are more people like the second than the first. If you are like the first this is for you. I understand. Trust me I know what doubt feels like. You aren't the only one finding it hard to believe in a God who allows pestilence like this. But stand firm. Trust in your faith and lean in to it. He will reveal himself in ways you could never expect if you ask him to.

So here is my list of certainties for May 2020:

- God will overcome.

- Every knee will bow.

- God is changing lives every day.



Addison Wimbish


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