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  • Writer's pictureAddison Wimbish


Updated: Jan 13, 2019

Hey there!

Today I have a somewhat difficult topic to write about. Over the past years of my life, I have been told constantly, "Don't let your faith get stuck in a cycle." Well me being a human, I did not listen. I fell into a nice, routine faith. Sundays I would go to church, Wednesdays I would have small groups, and every Thursday I would do a bible study with my mentor. I carried on doing this exact same thing for months and I felt stuck in this rut where I was bored with my faith. So finally I decided to listen to what my youth leaders had been telling me repeatedly. I switched things up.

Don't get me wrong this was extremely difficult, but overall it has been the best decision I've ever made. Getting "unstuck" has allowed me to get to know God in ways I could've never imagined. Having a routine is good for your faith because it holds you accountable and you're less likely to stray from something you're used to. When it becomes dangerous is when your routine prevents you from growing, this is when you become stuck. To undo this means different things for different people.

For me, I learned to pray about everything. If I heard the quietest whisper that may have been from God, I would pray. If I had a strong urge to spontaneously do something for my faith, I would pray about it. Asking God to swing doors open and slam doors shut. In a choice between a worldly option and a Godly option, the chances of us choosing the worldly option are exponentially higher. This started me even praying for God to break me. So I had no other choice but to fall on Him. I used to fall into my routine as a habitual and normal thing. Faith is more than that. It's challenging, purposeful, and life-changing.

This next week I challenge you to do something different in your faith. It can be something small like listening to a Christian playlist during school instead of pop, and it can be something big like reaching out to a friend and setting up a time to read the Bible together. To become unstuck you're going to have to venture out of your comfort zone, but don't worry God won't let you fall. My prayer for anyone reading this is that you don't become comfortable with God, push yourself to learn more about him and challenge yourself.


Addison Wimbish


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