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  • Writer's pictureAddison Wimbish


Updated: Feb 13, 2019


"Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm" Proverbs 13:20


Hey there!

This weeks verse holds a special place in my mind for many reasons. One of which being it has helped me determine who I should be friends with. Throughout life friends will come and go. We will grow towards and away from old friends, and chances are we'll make new ones as well. No matter where you are in life who you surround yourself with will affect you.

Keeping this verse in your mind, as you find friends, will save you many bad decisions, heartbreak, and if you chose right they'll bring you closer to God. Your choice in who you keep close to you and who you fight every battle with influences your walk with God. Those who aren't chasing after the Lord as fast as you are will only slow you down. Although it also is important to befriend the lost, they shouldn't be your core group. God does use His people to aid in saving them and bringing them to Him. Let you and your friends be lights of Him in this dark, dark world.

As the verse states "Walk with the wise and become wise" I am overwhelmed with the thought that if I didn't have the Godly, passionate friends that I do I wouldn't be where I am today. When choosing who you want to travel through life with I pray that you keep this verse in mind. Remember the warning that "a companion of fools suffers harm" and avoid anyone who doesn't push you to love the Lord and run to him.


Addison Wimbish


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