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  • Writer's pictureAddison Wimbish


4/21/20 11:23pm

Here's some background information about this person. He's my older brother. He's a senior and he will be attending Texas A&M next year.



Thank you for always protecting me. Thank you for always checking on me. Thank you for always being there for me even when I wasn't the kindest person. You've always been the person I've looked up to, the person I've seeked approval from the most, the person I strive to make proud every day, and the most important human opinion to me, and the person I will always love and support.

You have no idea how much I love you, and how proud of you I am. You are one of my biggest role models for so many reasons. You're someone I would do anything for. So here are some of my favorite memories that you've taught me through.

That one time that I was talking to you about someone I was pursuing at the time. Before you asked me anything else you asked, "Is he Christian?" You didn't ask his name, or age, or how I met him. You simply asked the most important question. And when someone asked you what you look for in a girl, your first answer was "someone who loves God." You didn't just say this, but you acted on this. You waited patiently for someone Christian, and someone who reflects and represents Christ well. You taught me that my number one priority should be someone who is equally yoked.

That one time I felt really sick and I was nervous to drive, but you were with your friends at lunch. I called you. I don't know exactly why, but as soon as I was scared my response was to call you and tell you. I probably asked you to pick me up. and you probably said no. Although I ended up driving myself home, you still called to make sure I got home safely. Then you came home to make sure I was okay before you went back to be with your friends. You taught me that it's okay say no, but it's important check back in.

That one time I was in my accident, and I was too scared to tell you about it. The next morning I was laying in bed, and you came into my room. All you said was, "I heard about what happened and it's okay." That was one of the most relieving sentences I've heard. You didn't meet me with judgement or a joke in that moment. You taught me that sometimes all that is needed, is acknowledgement of the mistake and love despite the mistake.

That one time my car had a flat tire so I couldn't drive to work. You took me. Despite the 20 minute drive. Despite your plans for the afternoon. You dropped everything you were doing and you took me to work. Then you went home and put the spare on. You taught me that a way of showing love is by making someone a priority.

That one time half of your senior year was cancelled. You didn't complain once. You taught me to trust in God's timing and His plan despite the disappointment.

And that one time that I went to homegroups during the fall. On the way there I couldn't stop thinking about how much I'm going to miss you. I couldn't forget how different things are going to be, and I couldn't stop crying. I forgot what mom said but whatever it was just made it worse, but I quickly wiped my tears and went in. That whole night I sat there and just thought of all the times I've thrown a fit and yelled at you or ignored you. That night someone said something about not seeing their sibling for two months because the went to college. You have no idea how fast I broke down.You taught me that love can be hidden under sarcastic jokes and momentary anger.

As I sit here, at 12:02 AM on April 22, 2020, in tears writing this, I know that there will be a few rough months later this year. I didn't realize what growing up meant. I didn't know I would be 3 hours and 18 minutes away from the person who's the best at making me laugh after I'm mad. I didn't understand two years ago when you had to drive me everywhere. I wish I could go back and tell that Addy that she needs to be nice to you. And that she should try to make conversation with you. I wish I could tell her how much you love her, and how much she loves you. Cause I really took all of this time for granted.

People say you always want what you can't have. I think that's really applicable to right now. But when I try hard enough, I'm able to find something other than sadness. I am excited for you. I'm proud of you for working hard and getting into your dream school. I'm thankful for everything that you've taught me. I'm expectant of amazing things coming from you in the future. Because whatever career you choose to pursue will be lucky to have you.

And you'll come back. I'll be annoyed with you again soon. I'll bring you home food from work again during your breaks. I'll ride in your car and complain about how fast you're driving. But until I'm a freshman and you're a junior again, and we both live in the same city again. Things will be different. They will be good, and we will both grow, but they will be different. God changes lives through you, one interaction with you can show someone what God's grace, gentleness, and kindness is like. You've taught me what being a good sibling, child, friend, and an obedient Christian looks like.



Addison Wimbish


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